nutri Jingle

This is the zumba in nutrition month teachers and it was energetic. us and teachers have fun we atleast consumed 10 minutes. and we have lots of fun. we danced in lots of songs lots of versions.
we were very sweaty and tired. and it is very healthy.

The nutri chef i was not part of this but wacthing it was intense. lots of people competing for number 1 the food smells good. i did not know vegies and meat would smell so good. it made me so hungry. and if i remember in the nutri chef courage go 2nd place.
The mr and ms healthy lots of beautiful women. and lots of handsome men. it was nice but our mr healthy loyd he was not enthusiastic he did give life to his lines. and i like the enthusiasm of courages ms healthy i dont remember who ms healthy is but she was lively. all but loyd were great.
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